Being a caregiver can be rewarding, overwhelming, inspiring, draining, and more. And being a caregiver for someone with dementia presents a host of unique and often intense challenges. As the disease progresses and your loved one changes, you may find you have more questions than answers.
More Than a Year Later… What Now?

During the last 14 months of the COVID-19 shut-downs, quarantines, and severe restrictions on social interaction, especially for those with dementia, we have all seen the rapid decline of so many individuals and the negative impact the lost weeks, months, year of family and social connection have had on them. Many nursing home and assisted… Read more »
The value of dignity in life and in death
A raw and honest conversation from a doctor who lost his mother but values the dignity in life and in death – something we all deserve but sadly, don’t all get. Have a conversation with your loved ones. And with yourself.
Hugs but no kisses?

We all know nothing can take the place of physical affection and human touch, such as a loving embrace, the tender holding of a hand, or a kiss for a loved one living in long-term care. “The emotional, physical and spiritual damage lockdowns of care facilities has had is immeasurable – on the caregiver and… Read more »
Finding a Way

“There are only four kinds of people in the world: those who have been caregivers, those who are currently caregivers, those who will be caregivers, and those who will need caregivers” (former First Lady Rosalynn Carter). I’m so happy to share this article by Columbia Inspired Magazine that I am featured in. It’s about the… Read more »
Not your normal day!

Today I got sworn in at the Howard County Circuit Court (outside due to COVID) because I have been appointed & commissioned to the State Board of Social Work Examiners by Governor Hogan; 4 year term. Wish me luck!